You Be The Judge: The Case for Liberal Gun Laws in Canada
First some stats…
Note how Canada is way up there on both charts and Switzerland is at the bottom. So you think Switzerland must have some crazy serious gun control going on, right? Think again. Check out this video below.
So I guess knowing that practically every home in Switzerland has a semi-automatic weapon waiting to greet would-be burglars has put a damper on the B&E business. Who’da thunk?
And the Brits, who gave up their hand guns a decade ago for the promise of less violent crime, have only seen gun-related crimes rise by 40% since (evidently the criminals must not have got the memo to turn them in). And in the last two years Britain has experienced the largest peaceful protest ever in a desperate bid to keep their remaining long guns.
Meanwhile back in Canada the idiocy continues. First British Columbia banned citizens from bullet-proofing their cars. Now they’ve banned bullet-proof vests. This IMHO is just stupid. As usual, the local media mouthpieces have abandoned their post and practically parrot the provincial government’s news points verbatim. I have yet to hear of anyone being killed or even wounded using a bullet-proof vest as a weapon. They are D-E-F-E-N-S-I-V-E by definition. Scissors are more dangerous (are they next?). If people want to protect themselves from being killed why is our government trying to stop them?
The government is cooking us like frogs in a slow-boiling pot. Wake up, people! If we don’t, we’re lunch meat.
They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security. Benjamin Franklin
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