вторник, 9 марта 2010 г.

This Isn't High School

The things you overhear when you’re in charge: some Emergency Nurses, dissecting a colleague.

Nurse 1: That new nurse . . .

Nurse 2: The one that’s always late?

Nurse 3: Yeah, always!

Nurse 2: Not fair to her colleagues! I mean, we want to go home!

Nurse 4: So disrecpectful! And she dresses. . . inappropropriately!

Nurse 1: I heard she’s pretty good. . .

Nurse 2: If she’s always late, she’s a bad nurse.

Nurse 3: Someone needs to talk to the manager!

Nurse 5: Did any of you think to actually talk to her and finding out why she’s late before running off at the mouth and talking about her behind her back? Maybe she has home issues, child care issues, or something else you don’t even know about!

[. . .silence. . .]

Nurse 2: (indignant) That’s not our job!

Nurse 5: Sorry girls, that is our job.

I have to tell you, my sympathies are with Nurse 5. The older I get, the less patience I have with high-schoolish, adolescent, passive-aggressive behaviour from women in their 30s and 40s. Women, I might add, who really ought to know better.

[Via http://torontoemerg.wordpress.com]

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