суббота, 20 марта 2010 г.

St Jean Baptiste parade, Montreal, 1864

Montreal Herald, 25 June 1864, page 2

St Jean Baptiste Day- The annual procession took place yesterday morning in celebration of this national festival.  The children belonging to all French schools, and temperance societies, together with the Association of St Jean Baptiste, assembled in the morning at eight o’clock to Craig Street, whence they started, passing through St Antoine street to Mountain, and thence to St Joseph street, and through Notre Dame street to the French Church.  After divine service, the procession reformed in the same order as before, and passed round the Place d’Armes to Notre Dame street, thence to St Denis, and through St Catherine to the Union St Joseph where it dispersed.  We regret to say from what we saw of the proceedings, the same unpleasant feeling of jealousy appeared to be manifested, as led to a disturbance on a recent occasion.  It appears to us too, that the police somewhat exceed their duty at these times.  Yesterday morning at ten o’clock they turned carriages and vehicles of every sort out of Notre Dame Street, because the procession was coming.  This seems to be going too far.  Notre Dame street was completely blocked up about noon, a busy part of the day, the street-cars, carriages, and foot passengers being unable to pass through.  And in the morning, gentlemen coming to their places of business from the west end of the city were obliged to get out of the cars, and walk.  The procession occupied just the portion of the street where the track is laid, and the cars could not proceed.  The other National societies celebrate their festivals without putting the public to so much inconvenience; and it would be much better if all these celebrations could be conducted as not to interfere in any way with the right which every one alike enjoys, of free passage on the public streets.

We may also mention that a piece of unnecessary brutality was committed yesterday morning about a quarter past nine o’clock at the corner of Mountain and St Antoine streets, where a cowardly fellow amused himself by battering the head of a small boy who was driving a cart and wished to proceed down Mountain street.  But the whole street was kept clear, although the procession occupied only about four feet.  Of course we do not charge the conductors of the procession with being parties to the above assault, but we would suggest that it is not necessary to a proper carrying out of the procession and celebration of the day, to stop all traffic in the streets which form the line of march.

[Via http://gilliandr.wordpress.com]

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